Wednesday, June 6, 2012

What is the Definition of 'Me' ?

How do we define ourselves?  Is it internal or external?  Is it in what we do?  Is it in our marriages, our jobs, our hobbies, our friends or are we even self-aware enough to know what it is exactly that pin points how we each see ourselves?

I wish I had the answers; It would certainly make for a longer blog. 

As someone who has been in the Administration field it helps that I lean toward finding my identity in what I do.  It's in my performance.  It's in how well I 'do the job'.  The problem with that is when something goes wrong, or mistakes happen it becomes about me and not about the situation.  Translation:  Not Healthy.

As an Individual I am constantly striving to put away the accomplishments & the 'doing' and focus more on the 'being'.  It's a battle.  It's a promise to myself to find the inner me that IS me.  I can still DO awesome (and as a most excellent administrator I will) but no matter the accomplishments the definition of 'ME' is still whatever I choose it to be...simply by BEING.....