Monday, October 1, 2012

A Different Sort of Blog Thought for Today

I love Fall.  It's my favorite season.  The air is crisper, the leaves are gorgeous, drinking hot chocolate is acceptable to my coffee drinking friends and there are some fantastic holidays to celebrate.  I love watching the kids trick or treat, and getting the family all together for Thanksgiving and handing out the traditional year-at-a-glance ornament  for the Christmas tree.

When I blog, I like to impart some sort of wisdom or a favorite quote.  Today as we enter into that Fall season I think I wanted to Blog as a reminder to myself that it's ok to enjoy the season.  It's ok to take a break from the grind and to enjoy not just what I do but who I am.  I am someone who works hard.  I go the extra mile.  I make mistakes.  I learn things the hard way.  I sometimes choose to plow ahead, when instead a reflection break would be the best course of action.  I am someone who values family.  I am not a failure.  I enjoy who I am and who I'm going to become.

As we enter into October...2012 I would like to invite each of you to simply choose to enjoy who you are this fall season.  Make the time to do some things you enjoy, spend time with the family, roast a smore, go on a fall hayride, enjoy the leaves with your kids.  Take the time to see the big picture and recognize that the choices you make today will decide who you are in the future.

Quote for the Day: 
"If you always do what you've always done...then you will always get what you've always gotten."