Thursday, January 23, 2014

Life: The Big Picture

Life is all about perception. What one person sees as reality may be completely different from what another person in the same situation may see. It all depends on how our individual thoughts, feelings, and behaviors shape our world. If we could only take a step back and look, I mean really look, at how we react to situations and interact with other people, we would learn so much about ourselves. It is in this self-awareness that we ultimately find happiness, living life in the "big picture."

It's common knowledge around here that I am looking to head to a different city and state to be with  my family.  It's been a year since I moved my mother and all of my possessions 1/2 way across the country.  It's been 4 months since I've actively been pursuing job leads and submitting resume after resume.  

There is of course that temptation to look at this one small facet of my life and think no-one is hiring, no-one wants to pay me what I'm worth, no-one wants to hire someone from out of town when they can hire someone right now.  The list can go on and on for days and days and my perspective can become one of negativity, self-doubt and blame.  

As mentioned above, life is ALL about perception.  If this is how I am going to perceive my life, the sum total of everything I have done and worked for then that perspective, that attitude is shaping my world AND not for the better. 

My life is my choice.  Can I choose whether or not someone hires me? No, but I can choose to learn and change from the experience and I can respect the fact that we may not be the right fit at the right time.   

In any situation I can choose to step back and see the big picture.  I can ask questions, I can share experiences and knowledge, and I can respect the decisions of those who had to make a tough choice.  My other choices include sitting back and blaming others, criticizing the process, and denying that there isn't something I can be learning and growing into as a result of this job search.

I am choosing to live Above The Line.  I am choosing to live life in the Big Picture.  I am choosing to be grateful for a fantastic job that allows me to work while job searching and supporting my desire to be closer to my family.  I choose to always be looking just around the corner for the right job at the right time who needs the right person (ME) and that it will happen at the right time.

How about you?  Are you living above the line?  Are you taking each experience and choosing to see it in a positive and helpful manner?  Are you living life to the full and seeing the Big Picture?
I hope you really can.  I hope we both really can continue to make changes and choices based on the big picture and not just our perspective in the moment.  

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